Anime movie released from Jul/2021, an original film without an original story.Hosoda Mamoru, who had been emphasizing family love since "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time" and "Summer Wars," seems to have returned to his roots. I enjoyed th…
New anime starting in Jul/2021, and will last till Dec.This is an original anime with no original story.The story revolves around a high school girl who is trying to rebuild an aquarium in Okinawa(Southern island in Japan) that is about to…
www.youtube.com ©北山結莉・ホビージャパン/『精霊幻想記』製作委員会New anime starting in Jul/2021.Animated from a light novel.The title is very common since original novel started serialization in 2014 and has already been published up to …
New anime starting in Jul/2021.Animated from a light novel.It is a fantasy of reincarnation from another world ("ISEKAI TENSEI"), but the overall taste is unique in that it is not Western, but Eastern.In addition, it has an interesting sta…
New anime starting in Jul/2021.It is an anime based on a manga, and the original manga was written by Cool-kyo Shinja, who wrote "Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid" and "I Can't Understand What My Husband Is Saying”.The story is based on the le…
www.youtube.com ©飯田譲治/NIGHT HEAD 2041製作委員会 New anime starting in Jul/2021.This is a remake and an anime adaptation of "NIGHT HEAD" which was broadcasted as a TV drama in 1992.“NIGHT HEAD" refers to the unused 70% of the brain spa…
www.youtube.com ©D_CIDE TRAUMEREI PROJECT/DCTM製作委員会 New anime starting in Jul/2021.The anime is based on a video game, and the game will be launched in late July.Set in Shibuya, it depicts people fighting demons in TRAUMEREI, a world…
www.youtube.com ©2021Ikumi Hino/女神寮New anime starting in Jul/2021.Animated from manga.It is a slapstick comedy that depicts the main character who is employed by a black(hard working) company in a different world, and how he tries to im…
www.youtube.com ©2021プロジェクトラブライブ!スーパースター!!New anime starting in Jul/2021.Although it is an original anime, it has already been made into a series, "Love Live! School Idol Project” (also known as "Unlabeld"), "Love Live! …
2021年7月開始の新アニメ。 www.youtube.com ©2021プロジェクトラブライブ!スーパースター!! オリジナルアニメだが、既にシリーズ化されており、「ラブライブ!」(通称:無印)、「ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!」(通称:サンシャイン!!)、「ラブライブ! スクールアイ…
www.youtube.com ©BNEI/SUNRISENew anime starting in Jul/2021, based on a video game.It's a science fiction story, depicting the battle between monsters and the army of humans with super-brain power to defeat them.Voice actors are excellent,…
www.youtube.com ©BNEI/SUNRISE2021年7月開始の新アニメ、ゲーム原作のアニメ化。SFもので、怪異とこれを討伐する超脳力有する人間たちの怪伐軍の戦いを描く。最近のゲームなので声優陣が素晴らしいのは勿論なのだが、アニメ化に際して制作スタッフ陣も豪華…
www.youtube.com ©永井豪・石川賢/ダイナミック企画・真早乙女研究所New anime starting in Jul/2021.The successor to the 1970's masterpiece "Getter Robo" series.This is Getter Robo Ark, the new series, which had been out of print since the one …
www.youtube.com ©永井豪・石川賢/ダイナミック企画・真早乙女研究所2021年7月開始の新アニメ。1970年代の名作「ゲッターロボ」シリーズの後継。共同原作者永井豪・石川賢のうち石川賢が2006年に急逝したため絶筆となっていた新シリーズのアーク。今回、シリー…
www.youtube.com ©ヒロユキ・講談社/カノジョも彼女製作委員会2021New anime starting in Jul/2021.It is an adaptation of a manga.I thought I had seen the touch of the manga before, but it turned out to be the same author as the manga "Aho Girl…
www.youtube.com ©おぷうのきょうだい・小学館/俺、つしま製作委員会2021A new anime starting in Jul/2021.It was originally based on a short manga on Twitter, and this anime will also be a short one.There are only two characters, a cat (Ots…
7月開始の新アニメ。 www.youtube.com ©おぷうのきょうだい・小学館/俺、つしま製作委員会2021元はTwitterでの短編漫画が原作で、今回のアニメも短尺で展開される。登場人物は、猫(大塚明夫)と爺さん(田中真弓)の2人だけ。相思相愛ながら、猫の自由気ま…
A new anime starting in Jul/2021. www.youtube.com ©Sonny Boy committeeOriginal animation without original manga/novel.The story starts off with an outlandish idea that the school is suddenly separated from the rest of the world. The settin…
New anime starting in Jul/2021.Animated from manga, and it is a 2nd season (1st season : Oct-Dec/2020, 12 episodes).It's a story of ISEKAI TENSEI (reincarnation into another world), but with an emphasis on the replay elements of RPG games,…
New anime starting in Jul/2021.Animated from manga.It is a slapstick comedy that depicts the main character who is employed by a black(hard working) company in a different world, and how he tries to improve his position by any means.Produc…
2021年7月開始の新アニメ。 www.youtube.com ©Sonny Boy committee原作無しのオリジナルアニメ。突如、学校だけが現世から隔絶されたという突飛なスタート。設定は「漂流教室」の様だが、スタイリッシュなビジュアルは何と大御所江口寿史によるもの(キャラクタ…
2021年7月開始の新アニメ。 漫画原作のアニメ化。 異世界でブラック企業にこき使われることとなった主人公が、あの手この手で自らの地位向上に勤しむ様子を描くドタバタコメディ。 制作SILVER LINK.、監督湊未來、構成赤尾でこ、声優小西克幸、久野美咲、下…
www.youtube.com ©ケンノジ/一二三書房,チート薬師製作委員会2021年7月開始の新アニメ、ライトノベル原作。タイトルの示す通り、異世界に転生し、薬を作る能力に突出した主人公がまったりと薬屋さんを営むというストーリーで、異世界転生だがバトルシーンは…
www.youtube.com ©イノウエ/小学館・死神坊ちゃんと黒メイド製作委員会New anime starting in Jul/2021.The anime is based on a manga.It depicts the emotional interaction between an aristocratic sergeant who is cursed to cause the death of animal…
A new anime starting in Jul/2021, based on a manga.The title is quite eccentric, but as the name suggests, it's a story about peoples who have been given some sort of different ability and are suddenly forced to fight each other after a 5 …
www.youtube.com ©山川直輝・奈央晃徳・講談社/100万の命の上に俺は立っている製作委員会New anime starting in Jul/2021.Animated from manga, and it is a 2nd season (1st season : Oct-Dec/2020, 12 episodes).It's a story of ISEKAI TENSEI (reincarn…
2021年7月開始の新アニメ。 www.youtube.com ©イノウエ/小学館・死神坊ちゃんと黒メイド製作委員会漫画原作のアニメ化。触れると動植物を死なせてしまう呪いをかけられた貴族の御曹司とそのそばにつき従うちょっぴりHなメイドのアリスの心の交流を描く。主人…
2021年7月開始の新アニメ、漫画原作。 なんともエキセントリックなタイトルだが、その名の通り、何かしらの異能を付与された者同士が5秒のカウントダウンから突如戦わせられる、という設定の物語。 御互いの能力を探りながら戦う駆け引きは、えすのサカエの「…