New anime started from Oct/2015.This is the 2nd season of an anime adaptation of a popular manga original, following the 1st season (Apr-Jun/2015, 12 episodes).It depicts an Earth where only children under 13 years old can survive, and the…
A new anime starting in Oct/2015.It is a new Gundam series, but I paid attention to it because the director/composer duo is Nagai Ryusetsu and Okada Mari of "Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day" and "The Anthem of the Heart" fame.Although …
This is a new anime series that began airing in April 2015, produced by Kyoto Animation.It's essentially a wind band version of "K-On!" and because of that awareness, I think a certain level of entertainment is guaranteed. Set in Uji, Kyot…
New anime started from Apr/2015.Animated from a popular manga.Production WIT STUDIO, composition/screenplay Seko Hiroshi, character design Kadowaki Satoshi, are all team "Attack on Titan", so the overall designs are almost like those of th…
2015年4月開始の新アニメ。人気漫画原作のアニメ化。「進撃の巨人」制作のWIT STUDIO、かつシリーズ構成/脚本瀬古浩司、キャラクターデザイン門脇聡とこれまた「進撃の巨人」メンバーということで、町の風景とかキャラクターの顔とかは、ほぼ「進撃の巨人」。但、…