©SOLA ENTERTAINMENT/Sunghoo ParkA new anime starting in July 2024. It's an original anime with no source material, making its debut in America, which is a "reverse import." As the title suggests, it's a story featuring ninjas. Set in a nea…
©SOLA ENTERTAINMENT/Sunghoo Park2024年7月開始の新アニメ。原作無しのオリジナルアニメで、初出しはアメリカ、という「逆輸入」もの。タイトルが示す通り、忍者が登場人物の物語。舞台は近未来で、最先端技術のギアを纏った忍者たちの抗争を描く。第1話を観…
©実樹ぶきみ(秋田書店)/SHY製作委員会New anime started from Oct/2023.Animated from a manga, followed by season 1 (Oct-Dec/2023, 12 episodes).The story is similar to "My Hero Academia," in which a hero with superhuman powers exterminates e…
New anime started from Jul/2024.Animated from manga, foloowed by season 1 (Apr-Jun/2023, 11 episodes), based on a popular manga created by the tag team of Akasaka Aka("Kaguya-sama: Love Is War") and Yokoyari Mengo("Scum's Wish").The manga …