Share the love of Japanese IPs (Manga/Anime/Game/Novel/Event)


Movie : CITY HUNTER (Netflix Movie)

The live-action adaptation of CITY HUNTER produced by Netflix. It's the adaptation of the popular manga by Hojo Tsukasa, which needs no introduction. While the story revolves around the first volume of the manga and the fifth episode of th…

【映画】シティーハンター (Netflix Movie)

ネットフリックス制作の実写版シティーハンター。謂わずと知れた北条司の人気漫画原作の実写化。漫画第1巻、TVアニメ第5話「グッバイ槇村 雨の夜に涙のバースデー」を軸としたストーリーとなっているが、現代社会に合わせた内容に脚本が調整されている。鈴木亮…

Anime : Yuru CampΔ SEASON3

©あfろ・芳文社/野外活動プロジェクト A new anime starting in April 2024. This anime is an adaptation of a manga and serves as the third season of the TV series following the first season in January-March 2018 (12 episodes) and the second s…

【アニメ】ゆるキャン△ SEASON3


Anime : Jobless Reincarnation Season 2-2

©理不尽な孫の手/MFブックス/「無職転生Ⅱ」製作委員会 A new anime starting in April 2024. This anime is an adaptation of a light novel, serving as the second chapter of the second season following the first season(Jan-Mar/Oct-Dec / 2021, 23 e…

【アニメ】無職転生Ⅱ ~異世界行ったら本気だす~ (第2期第2クール)


Anime : Train to the End of the World

(C)apogeego/「終末トレインどこへいく?」製作委員会 A new anime starting in April 2024. This is an original anime without source material, featuring a wildly imaginative sci-fi setting. Due to the forced introduction of 7G tele communicati…



Anime : I Was Reincarnated as the 7th Prince so I Can Take My Time Perfecting My Magical Ability

©謙虚なサークル・講談社/「第七王子」製作委員会A new anime starting in April 2024. This anime is an adaptation of a light novel. It's a reincarnation story with a twist – instead of being reincarnated from one world to another, the protago…



Anime : Studio Apartment, Good Lighting, Angel Included

©matoba/SQUARE ENIX・天使つき製作委員会 A new anime starting in April 2024. This anime is an adaptation of a manga. It follows the story of a high school boy living alone who suddenly finds himself living with an angel girl, leading to a …


©matoba/SQUARE ENIX・天使つき製作委員会2024年4月開始の新アニメ。漫画原作のアニメ化。一人暮らしの男子高校生のもとに、突然天使の女の子が舞い降りてきて、不思議な2人生活が始まる、というドタバタ劇。人間社会に不慣れな天使の女の子が慌てると隠し…

Anime : Gods' Games We Play

©2024 細音啓,智瀬といろ/KADOKAWA/神飢え製作委員会 A new anime starting in April 2024. This anime is an adaptation of a novel. It's a science fiction story set in a world similar to modern society, where bored gods engage in various games w…


©2024 細音啓,智瀬といろ/KADOKAWA/神飢え製作委員会2024年4月開始の新アニメ。ノベル原作のアニメ化。現代社会の様な世の中ながら、時間を持て余した神々が人類と様々なゲームに興じるというSF設定の物語で、「賭けグルイ」と「ノーゲームノーライフ」を掛け合…


©2024 支倉凍砂・KADOKAWA/ローエン商業組合A new anime starting in April 2024.This anime is an adaptation of a novel. Originally, it was adapted into anime in January to March 2008 (first season, 13 episodes) and July to September 2009 (sec…


©2024 支倉凍砂・KADOKAWA/ローエン商業組合2024年4月開始の新アニメ。小説原作のアニメ化。こちらのタイトルは、2007年の小説刊行に合わせ、2008年1~3月(第1期、全13話)、2009年7~9月(第2期、全13話)とアニメ化されたが、今作はその続きではなく、物語の…

Anime : The Irregular at Magic High School Season 3

A new anime starting in April 2024.This is the third season of the TV series following the light novel adaptation, with the first season (April to September 2014, 26 episodes total), the movie (June 2017), the second season (October to Dec…

【アニメ】魔法科高校の劣等生 第3シーズン


Anime : Konosuba: God's Blessing on This Wonderful World! 3

A new anime starting in April 2024.Adapted from a light novel, it's commonly known as "Konosuba." The anime has already seen its first season (January to March 2016, 10 episodes), second season (January to March 2017, 10 episodes), the mov…

