Share the love of Japanese IPs (Manga/Anime/Game/Novel/Event)


Anime Movie : BLUE GIANT

Anime movie released in February 2023, is an adaptation of a popular manga. It depicts the journey of a young man aspiring to become a top jazz saxophone player. The original manga, "BLUE GIANT" (May 2013 to August 2016, 10 volumes), showc…

【アニメ】【映画】BLUE GIANT

2023年2月公開のアニメ映画。人気漫画のアニメ映画化で、サックスを片手にトップジャズプレイヤーを目指す少年の姿を描く。原作漫画は、「BLUE GIANT」(2013年5月~2016年8月、全10巻)で仙台から東京に上京し活躍する姿を、「BLUE GIANT SUPREME」(2016年9月~20…

【催し】ムンバイコミコン(Mumbai Comic Con 2023)


Anime : The Fire Hunter

New anime started from Jan/2023.Animation based on a novel.It is a Sci-Fi story with set in a world which humans, who have become pyrophoric when exposed to natural fire due to the effects of the Final War, barely survive by using special …



Anime : The Fruit of Evolution: Before I Knew It, My Life Had It Made season 2

www.youtube.com ©美紅/双葉社・「真・進化の実」製作委員会New anime started from Jan/2023.This is the 2nd season of an anime based on a light novel, following the 1st season (Oct-Dec/2021, 12 episodes).In the 2nd season, the story is told f…


www.youtube.com ©美紅/双葉社・「真・進化の実」製作委員会2023年1月開始の新アニメ。ライトノベル原作のアニメ化で、第1期(2021年10~12月、12話)に続く第2期。いじめられっ子だった現世から異世界に転生した主人公が様々な仲間を得るという第1期から、第…

Anime : Endo and Kobayashi Live! The Latest on Tsundere Villainess Lieselotte

www.youtube.com©恵ノ島すず・えいひ/KADOKAWA/ツンリゼ製作委員会2023New anime started from Jan/2023.Animated from a light novel.The story is about a high school boy and a girl who play comment on the game, the characters in the game world …


www.youtube.com ©恵ノ島すず・えいひ/KADOKAWA/ツンリゼ製作委員会20232023年1月開始の新アニメ。ライトノベル原作のアニメ化。恋愛ゲームに興じる男女が実況解説していると、実際のゲーム世界の登場人物にもその声が聞こえるようになって、ハッピーエン…

Anime : The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague

www.youtube.com ©︎殿ヶ谷美由記/SQUARE ENIX・氷属性製作委員会New animation started from Jan/2023.Animated from a web manga.It is a romantic comedy between a male employee who is a descendant of a snow woman who has a habit of generating ice…


www.youtube.com©︎殿ヶ谷美由記/SQUARE ENIX・氷属性製作委員会 2023年1月開始の新アニメ。Web漫画原作のアニメ化。雪女の末裔で感情が高ぶると氷雪が出現してしまう男性社員と、感情表現が氷の様にクールな女性社員の間のラブコメ。ほっこりして、たまにク…

Anime : Sugar Apple Fairy Tale

www.youtube.com©2023 三川みり・あき/KADOKAWA/「シュガーアップル・フェアリーテイル」製作委員会New animation started from Jan/2023.An anime adaptation of a women's fiction label's novel.In a Western world where fairies and humans coexist, …


www.youtube.com©2023 三川みり・あき/KADOKAWA/「シュガーアップル・フェアリーテイル」製作委員会2023年1月開始の新アニメ。女性小説レーベル原作のアニメ化。妖精と人間が共生する西洋世界で、菓子職人を目指す少女と男性妖精の旅を描くファンタジー物…

Anime : Masterpieces and Seven Masters Seven Voices Museum

New animation started from Jan/2023.This unique 15-minute animation introduces the masterpieces (replicas) of the Otsuka Museum of Art in Naruto, Tokushima Prefecture.The curators, who are reincarnations of seven masters including Da Vinci…



Anime : The Magical Revolution of the Reincarnated Princess and the Genius Young Lady

www.youtube.com©2023 鴉ぴえろ・きさらぎゆり/KADOKAWA/転天製作委員会New anime started from Jan/2023.Ainmated from a light novel.It is an adventure story centered on the friendship between a royal girl who was reincarnated without magical …


www.youtube.com ©2023 鴉ぴえろ・きさらぎゆり/KADOKAWA/転天製作委員会2023年1月開始の新アニメ。ライトノベル原作のアニメ化。魔力を持たずに転生した王家の女の子と、王家に嫁ぐつもりが破談になってしまった魔法の使い手の女の子の友情を軸とした冒険…

Anime : The Reincarnation of the Strongest Exorcist in Another World

www.youtube.com ©小鈴危一・オカザキトシノリ/双葉社・「最強陰陽師の異世界転生記」製作委員会New anime started from Jan/2023.Animated from a light novel.It is a so-called ISEKAI TENSEI(reincarnation into another world) story, but the setting…




www.youtube.com ©REVENGER製作委員会New anime started from Jan/2023.It is an original anime, of which the original idea is by Urobuchi Gen(Puella Magi Madoka Magica).It is a period action drama with a famous Japanese historical dram…


www.youtube.com ©REVENGER製作委員会2023年1月開始の新アニメ。原作無しのオリジナルアニメで、原案は虚淵玄(魔法少女まどか☆マギカ)。必殺仕事人の様なテイストの時代劇アクション。登場人物が皆いわく付きの過去を持ち、かつ悪人を成敗するときの…

Anime : A Herbivorous Dragon of 5,000 Years Gets Unfairly Villainized

New anime started from Jan/2023.Animated from a light novel, 15-minute anime.It depicts the heartwarming interaction and adventures of a herbivorous kind dragon, despite its appearance, and a girl with a different ability who is sacrificed…



Anime : Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari

www.youtube.com©オニグンソウ/集英社, もののがたり製作委員会New anime started from Jan/2023.Animated from a manga.The story is around "Tsukumo gami" or artifact spirit, and the protagonist, who hates them because his family were and a girl …


www.youtube.com ©オニグンソウ/集英社, もののがたり製作委員会2023年1月開始の新アニメ。漫画原作のアニメ化。付喪神に肉親を殺され忌み嫌う主人公と、付喪神と家族同然に過ごす女の子を軸に進む物語。話の序盤から、主人公と女の子の家族である付喪神のギ…

Anime : Ippon Again !

New anime to start in January 2023.Animated from a manga.It is a sports story about a high school girl who works hard at judo.It is a story about the royal road of various sports that used to exist a lot, but nowadays it is becoming a mino…



Anime : The Misfit of Demon King Academy season 2

New anime to started from Jan/2023.This is the 2nd season of an anime adaptation of a light novel, following the 1st season (Jul-Sep/2020, 13 episodes).The story is about the Demon King who ended a war in which Demon Kings, heroes, spirits…



Anime Movie : Detective Conan: Episode of Ai Haibara - Black Iron Mystery Train

Anime movie released in Jan/2023.However, it is a re-edited version of past TV anime episodes(No.701-704), and will precede the anime movie to be released in April.Since the 2023 anime movie focuses on character Haibara Ai, this re-edited …