A new anime series starting in October 2024, this ambitious attempt in the Mobile Suit Gundam series that stands apart from previous works. The series will initially release on Netflix, comprising six episodes. Story sets on a severe battle between Earth Federation Force and Zeon and is told from the perspective of Zeon forces in the One Year War, which serves as the setting for the original Mobile Suit Gundam. The series follows the struggles of Zeon forces during their retreat from Earth eleven months into the war, as they face the Earth Federation Force’s advanced mobile suits, including Gundam. Set on the European front, the story centers on a proud female Zeon captain and her squad of Zaku mobile suits as they face an overwhelming challenge in scenes reminiscent of a realistic, war-torn film. Notably, "Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team" depicted events from this same period, and Zeon’s Major General Yuri Kellarne also makes an appearance here. The entire anime was produced with Unreal Engine 5 (UE5), a cutting-edge tool by Epic Games used in games and metaverse productions. Known for games like Fortnite and Tekken 8, UE5 offers stunning realism, as seen in the townscapes and battle scenes, which resemble live-action sequences in their smooth, realistic detail. However, close-up shots of human interactions reveal some limitations, such as slightly stiff expressions and a lack of facial nuance. Still, the full utilization of a gaming engine in traditional anime production is astounding. Produced by Sunrise and SAFEHOUSE, directed by Erasmus Brosdau, screenplay by Gavin Hignight. The cast includes Mori Nanako(Kirakira Precure A La Mode: Kenjo Akira / Cure Chocolat), Ishige Shoya(Godzilla Singular Point: Arikawa Yun), Maki Shunichi, Watanuki Tatsunosuke, Hara Ryosuke, Otsuka Takeo(Oshi no Ko: Aqua), Kawase Maki(Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear: Yuna), Naka Hiroshi(Baki the Grappler: Shibukawa Goki), Otsuka Hochu(Golden Kamuy: Lieutenant Tsurumi), Kami Kyonosuke(Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team: Yuri), Ura Kazuki(Blue Lock: Isagi Yoichi) and others.